Tuesday, March 12, 2013


HERRO BUDDIEZ! Mojo here! ^-^ im bored so here i am, kinda furgot bout the blog for a couple of dayz so yah... well i was at school and stuff but it was a halfday and that junk so yea, i was in the hall playing on my ipod with my bff, she was playing music kind of quietly and we were singing and so this guy, Tyson comes over and asks what games i have and hes like oh you have the moron test im a boss at this! and so he takes my ipod and starts playing the moron test and he keeps failing and stuff so we're laughing and yea but then he starts walking away and im just like NU MY IPOD! XD so we run to him and take it and yah.. lol it was funny, u had to b there to enjoy the story more but whateves so yah.. and the funny thing is i always see him looking at me thru the corner of his eye and stuff and yah.... ^-^ so yah BAIIIII!!!!!


                         See you guys later!  ^-^ <3 <3 <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. Your a miscellaneous object, yet not very miscellaneous, because you are a lamp.
